Certificate Awarding

Certificate Awarding


1. The AM shall evaluate the graduation eligibility for students who have successfully completed the course (meeting the graduation requirement for the course including whether the student has cleared all the fees).

2. If the student meets the graduation requirement, the AM submits the student’s transcript and the proposed graduation certificate softcopy to the Examination Board for approval. The transcript and the graduation certificate softcopy (if eligible) shall be generated with running transcript and certificate numbers being tracked by ACE’s internal system.

3. The transcript number is the student’s ACE ID. All programs (except short term courses) are using the following format for the certificate number: ACE-Program name-YYYYMM-5digit sequence number (For example, ACE-DHM-201301-00001); The short-term programs are using the different format for the certificate number: ACEYYYYMMDD-5digit sequence number (For example, ACE20130126-00001).

4. Upon receipt of Examination Board approval, the AM prepares the original hardcopy transcript and certificate to issue to the student. If the student is not eligible to graduate and is only eligible to receive a transcript, the original hardcopy transcript will be issued to the student. The AM accumulates the collections of transcripts and/or certificates in the Graduation and Certificate Delivery List. The AM shall also archive the Board’s approval documents/emails together with the archived transcripts and certificates.

5. If a student requests that ACE sends a copy of his/her transcript and/or certificate directly to a college, university, or another PEI, the transcript and/or certificate will be posted out only after the student pays the relevant service fee to ACE.

6. The timeline to complete the awarding of certificates & transcripts for internally developed courses/programs shall be within maximum (2) two months after the completion of the entire course. For courses/programs being developed by external partners and the award to be issued by the external partners, such timeline depends on the external partners.

7. The AM updates the tracking log accordingly.

Local Student Enrollment

Enrollment of Local Students

Documents to Be Provided by the Applicants

1. Complete the Pre-Course Counseling Acknowledgement checklist and international student enrollment application form, and pay the application fee

2. Highest award certificates (Original and Notarized)

3. Transcripts of academic results of highest award certificates, grading systems (Original and Notarized)

4. Verification of a Valid Pass in Singapore (such as NRIC, EP/WP/S-Pass/DP)

5. Photocopy of Passport-sized Photo

6. Verification of the Passport (not for Singaporean/PR)

7. Original certificate for TOEFL/IELTS/GRE/GMAT results (if applicable)

8. Certified copies of personal awards, CV, recommendation letters and so on (if applicable)